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Perth Triathlon

The Perth Triathlon is an annual event that has been a community favourite for over 25 years. Held early in the season, it’s a great race for both beginners and experienced triathletes looking for a challenge.

Since 2022, the event has been dedicated to the memory of Jon Hetherington, one of the original organizers and a longtime participant. Jon was known for his incredible spirit—riding his single-speed bike, running in his Crocs, and still outpacing many competitors. His passion for the sport continues to inspire all who take part.

The 2025 Perth Triathlon will take place on Sunday, June 1, 2025, at the Perth & District Indoor Pool. 

For updates and future event details, follow us on Facebook.

Registration is now open!

Note: You must provide your estimated 500 metre-swim time as part of your registration so that we can put people of similar abilities in each heat.

The distances of the race are:

  • 500 metre swim
  • 16 km bike
  • 3.24 km run

You can register in the Individual Event for $50, you do all three portions of the race, or in the Team Event for $70 where you will team up with 2 other people and each of you does one of the portions of the race. 

Minimum Ages:
Individual and Team Triathlon
  • Minimum age: 12 

Race Day Schedule

  • Bikes must be set up in the transition area by 7 a.m.
  • Athlete meeting on pool deck at 7:30 a.m.
  • First wave start at 7:45 a.m.

The transition area is in the parking lot at the Indoor Pool

The swim occurs inside the Indoor Pool. It is a 6 lane, 25-metre pool.

The bike goes from the Indoor Pool west on Sunset Blvd, 8 km down the road then turn around and cycle back. The bike course is not closed to traffic.

The run course is also and out and back course. It goes west along the sidewalk of Sunset Blvd then turns left towards the Lanark County buildings and follows a trail out to the Tay River, then returns to the transition area at the Pool

One of the best aspects of the Perth Triathlon is the potluck lunch following the races! The potluck will be held in the Multi-Purpose room of the Indoor Pool. Please bring items such as salads, sandwiches, casseroles, snacks, desserts, etc. We also encourage you to bring your own plates and utensils to help save the planet!  We will have some disposable options for those who forget. 

Awards will be handed out during the Potluck lunch. Participants must be present to accept their award, and the Triathlon committee will not mail out awards to those not present.

Contact Us

Town of Perth
Town Hall
80 Gore Street East
Perth, Ontario
K7H 1H9
Telephone: (613) 267-3311
Fax: (613) 267-5635

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