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Garbage and Recycling

Our annual waste & recycling calendar

2025 Curbside Chronicles

The annual waste and recycling calendar is now available for pick-up at these locations:

  • Town Hall
  • Perth Museum & Visitor Information Centre
  • Perth & District Union Public Library

Big Change Coming in 2025!
Starting July 1, 2025, the province will take over curbside recycling collection. The schedule for July to December will be shared by late Spring 2025, and some collection days may change.


Waste Collection

Curbside waste collection is provided to residential, commercial, and light industrial sites throughout Perth that meet a "residential equivalent" volume and packaging. This bi-weekly program works in alongside the curbside recycling and organics collection program. 

Collection schedules are delivered to all properties annually in December. If you didn't receive one or lost yours, additional copies are available at the rear counter of Town Hall. Residents are encouraged to post collection schedules in their home for everyone to see. 

All curbside collection services are conducted by a contractor that has a multi-year contract. Looking for information about our Landfill and Hazardous Waste Disposal? Click here

Waste Collection FAQ

Bag tags are available for collection at the Town Hall annually in mid-September. Each property receives 40 tags per year. Please ensure that identification is available when collecting your allotment.

Property owners are to collect the tags. If a tenant or alternate person is collecting the tags, a proxy letter is required to ensure that that person is representing the property owner. The designate must also provide identification. All property owners are responsible for the waste generated on their property as per bylaw 3215, and for the disbursement of waste tags to their tenants. Additional tags can be purchased at $3.21 each.

The Town of Perth does not conduct large item pick up. Any items that are too large to fit into your regular garbage can be brought to the Landfill during operating hours - this includes construction waste. Tipping fees will apply.

  • Place your waste, compost or recycling at the curb by 7 A.M. on the correct day for your zone.
  • Do not block sidewalks or roads.
  • Do not place on top of high snow banks (where there is a slip hazard for the worker collecting waste)
  • Place tags on every bag. Extra tags may be purchased at Town Hall, 80 Gore Street East.
  • Ensure bags are securely tied, both loose curbside bags and bags within a garbage receptacle.
  • Make certain the waste is less than 50 lbs. (22.5Kg)
  • When recycling-secure lightweight materials so that wind does not create litter issues
  • Place waste out only in front of your dwelling or in the designated collection location.
  • Recycle all that you can to avoid having to use extra bag tags.
  • Failure to abide by the conditions of the Town's solid waste By-law No. 1997-3215 may result in fines.

This component of Waste Management is responsible for the perpetual evaluation of the waste materials generated within the municipality. Staff and its resources are diligent at monitoring waste issues and providing diversion tools for the residents of Perth.

The Town of Perth schedules an annual leaf collection in Autumn and Christmas tree collection in January each year.

  • This year trees will be picked up the week of January 13-17, 2025. Please have trees curbside by Monday, January 13. Ensure all decorations have been removed. Residents that wish to dispose of Christmas trees before or after this date, may deliver them to the Perth Landfill Site located at 666 Wildlife Road during landfill hours, free of charge (proof of residency will be required).
  • This year leaves will be picked up the week of November 18-22, 2024. Please have leaves curbside by Monday, November 18. Leaf Collection will only be picked up curbside during this time. Year round, leaves and yard waste (no brush) can be taken to the Perth Landfill Site at 666 Wildlife Road for no charge. Paper Bags ONLY, plastic bags will not be taken.  

For more information on the landfill, please click here.


The municipality operates a two stream recycling program using Blue Boxes and Yellow Boxes. The traditional Blue Box is designed to collect the fibre stream (paper, cardboard, etc.) and the Yellow Box is for containers (glass, metal, and plastic). These recycled components are collected in an alternating week pattern at various coordinated zones throughout the municipality. The collected materials are processed at a commercial site where they are segregated and packaged for recycling processes. A free commercial cardboard drop-off site is available to businesses at the Perth Landfill site.

Recycling FAQ

  • Newspaper, boxboard, and cardboard (cardboard must be flattened, bundled and left next to your Blue Box).
  • Shredded paper may be placed separately at the curb in a clear plastic bag.

  • Steel and aluminum cans
  • Glass food and beverage containers
  • Narrow neck plastic bottles (#1 and #2) 
  • Aluminum foil and trays
  • Empty paint cans
  • Milk and juice gable end cartons
  • Juice and drinking boxes (e.g. "tetrapaks")
  • Wide mouth plastic dairy containers (#5 and #6)
  • Clear "clamshell" plastic containers

But please, NO:

  • Plastic bags
  • Plant trays
  • Styrofoam
  • Black "clamshell" plastic containers, trays or boxes
  • Other plastic containers (#7)

We only have one size of yellow and blue bins

Yes, you can purchase a second box from Town Hall

No. You can use any colour or type of container, as long as you only put out the appropriate stream of materials on the correct week

There have been major problems with markets for these materials. This is particularly the case in eastern Ontario where very few Material Recycling Facilities accept these materials. 


The Town of Perth collects residential organic materials using the Green Bin program. These organic materials are collected weekly and transported to the Perth Landfill site where they processed at the composting area in order to divert these products from the Landfill site. Please refrain from putting plastic, metal, glass or any other material that does not compost into the green bin. Placing contaminants in the green bin increases the Town's operating costs and renders the finished compost unusable.

This Lanark County Organic Waste Report notes that Perth is the only municipality (in Lanark County) with a green bin collection program for food waste.

Composting FAQ

  • Scrape all your organics (which includes food, soiled paper products and pet wastes) into the kitchen pail
  • Once full, empty into your green curbside cart
  • Put your cart out at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of your collection day

Any type of food: 

  • Meat, bones, dairy, vegetables, sauces, breads, fruit, nuts, egg shells, etc.
  • Soiled paper products: 
  • Paper towels, tissues, soiled pizza boxes, coffee filters, tea bags
  • Kitty litter and pet waste:  Not in plastic bags, please

Yes. Pick up your green bin and kitchen pail from Town Hall during regular office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).

  • Green bins provide clear identification for the driver and worker on the collection vehicle.
  • Green bins have a standard tipping arm on the collection truck.
  • Green bins don't have drain holes, ensuring all compost materials stay contained until emptied. (Unlike the yellow and blue bin)

No. Perth's low-tech and low cost windrow composting facility cannot handle diapers

  • Perth processing is a low-tech (and low cost) open windrow compost site.
  • Any contamination by plastic will create major problems with the processing and end product.
  • Paper biodegradable bags are acceptable.

  • Line your beige kitchen pail with a few sheets of newspaper or paper towel.
  • Crumple some newspaper and set it at the bottom of the green cart, then
    • Add a few sheets of flattened newspaper to create a simple liner.
    • PAPER bag liners may be used for your pail and/or cart.
    • Materials such as food or kitty litter can go into used cereal boxes and then put the cereal box in the cart.
    • Wrap particularly messy items in newspaper before adding them.
    • Rinse your pail and cart periodically.


No (unless absolutely unavoidable). It creates a potential target for raccoons and other animals, even bears.

  • Securely latch the locking handle
  • If problems persist, secure with a bungee cord or specific lid security devices available at hardware stores
  • If possible, keep your cart indoors until collection day

  • In hot weather, you may find maggots in your Green Bin. Maggots come from eggs laid by flies - most commonly on raw meats
  • Wrap any raw meats in newspaper so the flies have less chance to lay their eggs
  • Store Green Bin in garage or in the shed
  • Rinse out your kitchen catcher and Green Bin

Please wait to put your cart out until it is at least half full (unless it is hot out and the cart is getting smelly)

Yes, bins can be refused if the weight exceeds 51 pounds (23 kg). Items like cat litter or coffee grinds are dense and can cause bins to become overweight if filled too to the lid. Extra bins can be purchased from the Town or local hardware stores.

You may purchase a second cart from the Town (or local hardware stores).

Unfortunately, the Town's policy is to only give out the first cart and pail for free. You can buy a replacement cart at Town Hall at the wholesale cost. Carts, pails and paper liner bags are also available locally at Canadian Tire and Home Hardware.

If you bring your broken cart into Town Hall during regular office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), you can get a replacement one for free.

You can pick up a cart and pail, together with the basic information kit on Perth's waste management programs from Town Hall during regular office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)

  • Because of site-specific issues with respect to apartments, the Town is phasing in the launch of the Green Bin program to apartment residents
  • Once you get your Green Bin kit, keep the pail somewhere handy in the kitchen, and add food scraps, soiled papers and tissues and pet wastes
  • Then find a good place for your cart (either in your unit or somewhere else that works for other tenants and building management)
  • Make sure to write your apartment number on your cart so it doesn't get mixed up with other carts
  • Make sure to take your cart out to the approved curbside location on your collection day, and bring your cart back that day after it is emptied 

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