By-law to appoint Lennox Smith as a Building Inspector on a Temporary Basis
By-law to appoint Shane Atkinson as a Building Inspector on a Temporary Basis
Visit Elections Canada for voter registration, key dates, information on how and where to vote, the list of candidates, and more.
Welcome to the Building Services portal. In this section, you will find a wealth of useful information about the Building Permit process. Check out the tab below titled "Building Permit Application Forms and Other Development Guides" for your one stop to all the Town's forms and services regarding development.
Steve Leroux, Acting Chief Building Official
613-267-3311 ext. 2237
Nancy Armstrong, Building Administrative Assistant
613-267-3311 ext. 2222
Brian Gass, Chief Building Official
Looking to book an inspection? Please note that we currently need 48hrs notice due to scheduling constraints.
Are you a new business in Perth? Do you own an existing business in Perth and are relocating to a new space? Visit our Starting or Relocating a Business page for resources, permits, and more.
Agreements to Ensure Continuity of Service
Building Permit Application Forms & Other Development Guides
Listed below are the primary Forms and Guidelines required for the majority of all building projects within the Town of Perth
Building Permit and Other Associated Fees
What Requires a Building Permit (Residential)
Below are examples of residential projects that require a permit. If unsure, please contact the Building Department for direction.
What Requires a Building Permit (Commercial, Industrial and Institutional)
Below are examples of non-residential projects that require a permit. If unsure, please contact the Building Department for direction.
Below are examples of projects that do not require a permit. If unsure, please contact the Building Department for direction.
If a Building Permit is not required, owners within the Heritage Conservation District and/or Designated Heritage Buildings must complete a Heritage Permit. Please visit the Heritage Page for more information.
What Requires a Change of Use Permit
Did you know that the Ontario Building Code regulations apply to proposed new uses of existing buildings?
Any time there is a proposed change in the use of a building or a new use in part of a space or a suite in a building a Change of Use Permit may be required. This requires a change of use permit application to be filed with the Building Department of the Municipality.
A common misperception is that the Building Code only regulates the structural aspects of a building. When in fact the code contains many regulations to ensure buildings are equipped with the appropriate Fire Protection Systems, and Life/Health Safety features as well.
So even if you are not planning any “structural” construction, changing the use of all or part of a building may initiate an extensive remodel or may require no physical changes at all for the new use to comply with the Ontario Building Code.
New and different uses of space inside a building have different Building Code requirements.
The change of use permit application process is intended to verify compliance with the applicable codes for a new use. If a permit is issued and upon completion of a final inspection of any works identified in the permit, a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for new businesses to give to their insurer.
Due to the complexity of the Building Code Regulations for renovation compliance alternatives, persons wishing to change the use of part or all of a building will hire a designer, licensed in the Province of Ontario, to conduct a review of the existing site/building and discuss with the client their needs and wants. The designer then produces a building code compliance proposal in a report known as a Building Evaluation Report (or OBC Data Matrix) with appropriate floor plan sketches. This document package is submitted with the completed application form to the Town Building Department for review.
For more information, please contact the Building Department.
Looking to build a new deck, or to repair, replace, or add to an existing one? This is the spot to get all the information you need to make the process as easy as possible. See the links below for all the details you need to provide and understand for your deck permit.
All pools require a permit for their installation. As per Town By-law No. 2397, pools also require an adequate fence/guard system to protect children from potentially entering the pool. Hot tubs require a permit when they hold more than 750mm of water. A hot tub does not require a fenced in area as long as you have a lockable lid for security when the hot tub is not in use.
Note: Any new decks being constructed with a pool require a separate building permit for deck if it is attached to the house, or attached to a deck that serves the house and has access to the pool. All Ontario Building Code requirements will apply to that new deck or deck extension. Please see the Deck Building Info section of this page.
Factory-Built Buildings (any structures built off-site, including "Tiny Homes")
Manufactured buildings intended for residential occupancy (limited to Part 9 structures only) must comply with all appropriate Code requirements. Only those building components that are designed and constructed in manufacturing plants in accordance with the specified standards (CSA Z240.2.l and CSA A277) are deemed to comply with the Code. Building components designed and constructed outside the place of manufacture (e.g. masonry chimneys, basement stairs, foundations, etc.) must conform to the requirements of the Code. The Code also applies to the site installation of manufactured buildings in terms of tie-down, spatial separation, grading, plumbing connections to street services, etc.
CSA standard CSA A277, "Procedures for Factory Certification of Buildings", describes a procedure whereby an independent certification agency can review the quality control procedures of a housing factory and make periodic, unannounced inspections of its products and thus, through suitable labelling, provide assurance to authorities at the final site that the components that cannot be inspected on site comply with the code indicated on the label. It is not a building code, only a procedure for certifying compliance of factory-built components with a building code or other standard. If a factory built house bears the label of a creditable certification agency indicating that compliance with the National Building Code has been certified using the A277 procedure, the accepting authority will have some assurance that the hidden components do not need to be inspected again on site.
If information is required please contact the Building Department for direction.
Effective October 1, 2022, the Town of Perth began delivery of Ontario Building Code Part 8, On-site Sewage System Permitting and Inspections services for existing properties not capable of being serviced by the municipal sewer system (which are already serviced by an existing On-site Sewage System). This change comes as Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit ceased providing Part 8 services to area municipalities on September 30, 2022.
Please go to the Septic Systems page for more details.
Contact Us
Town of Perth
Town Hall
80 Gore Street East
Perth, Ontario
K7H 1H9
Telephone: (613) 267-3311
Fax: (613) 267-5635
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