Official Plan Update
The Town of Perth is reviewing and updating its Official Plan
The Town of Perth Official Plan is the primary policy document that guides the growth and development within the Town. It contains goals, objectives, and policies which provide direction on how and where the Town is to grow, along with specific policies related to the management of natural heritage features and natural hazard features. The Town’s current Official Plan was approved in 2000.
As the Town continues to develop and change, it is important to check the effectiveness of the Official Plan to ensure its collective vision is being realized and to improve and enhance our policies to help the Town achieve its strategic goals and objectives. The Official Plan Review is to update the policies to conform to Provincial planning legislation, including the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and the County of Lanark Sustainable Communities Official Plan, as well as to consider recent changes to the Planning Act and include comments by the public and agencies.
Review the existing Official Plan here. Copies can be found a the Perth and District Union Public Library.
Provincial Guide to Official Plans
View the Provincial Guide to Official Plans
A proposed update to the provincial policy statement is currently under review. For more details, visit
We invite the public to offer comments regarding any issue or matter that should be considered during the Official Plan Review process and to provide input to areas of the current Official Plan that should be changed or addressed differently in the Updated Official Plan. Council provided a 30+ day opportunity for written comments from the public, concluding July 31, 2023.
Please note that there will be ongoing opportunities to participate in this process.
Personal information contained in written comments, collected pursuant to the Planning Act, will be used for the purposes of that Act and will be part of the public record. Questions should be directed to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at the institution conducting the procedures under the Act.
- March 12, 2024 at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers - Special Committee of the Whole Meeting
- June 27, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers - Special Public Meeting
As per the Town of Perth's Procurement Policy (By-law No. 4926-1) a Request for Proposal was issued for consultants to bid on undertaking the review and update of the Official Plan.
Following completion of the Request for Proposals, the project was awarded to Jp2g.
For more information
To ask questions or for information about appeal rights please contact:
Joanna Bowes
Director of Development Services
T: 613-267-3311 ext. 2235
Contact Us
Town of Perth
Town Hall
80 Gore Street East
Perth, Ontario
K7H 1H9
Telephone: (613) 267-3311
Fax: (613) 267-5635